Electrician Services in Sydney

Our Guarantee to Safety, Quality and Environmental Management

Safety is our highest priority

At Lyon Technics, We aim to meet the highest safety/quality/environmental standards and expectations at all times.

All of our work is done with a duty of care for our employees and contractors, employees and contractors of a business, the public and the community at large.

Safety Management

Safety is our highest priority at Lyon Technics. We meet the highest safety standards and expectations at all times. All of our work is done with a duty of care to the employees of a business, its contractors, the public and the community at large.

We’re committed to the continuing development of safety policies to help us achieve our goals safely and work responsibly with management to take care of others by reporting hazardous environments and taking immediate action whenever necessary.


Lyon Technics currently hold subscriptions with NECA Safe, Safety Elite.

Lyon Technics hold and maintain external accreditation with Cm3.

Contact Us

Our experienced and dedicated team of electrical technicians will take care of all your business or home electrical needs.

Fill in the form below, Call: 1300 523 955or Email: info@lyontechnics.com.au

Get in touch with an experienced electrical technician